HIP in the South video

High Impact Prevention (HIP) is a public health approach to disease prevention in which has been proven to be cost-effective, and scalable. These interventions are implemented for preventing the greatest amount of infections or for reducing disparities, given...

Building Capacity to Utilize Infographic Tools

February 25, 2014 The objective of this presentation was for participants to understand which tools are best suited for various data visualization needs. This presentation also identified and familiarized participants with free resources for creating charts, graphs,...

After the Fact: An HIV Testing Refresher

Presentation developed for a one-day training event to review procedures for the delivery of HIV test results, with increased attention to the delivery of HIV-positive test results and the additional protocols they require.

Integrating HIV Patient Navigation Services: Lessons Learned

March 3, 2015 In response to the increased demand on learning Patient Navigation (PN) services, CBA@JSI hosted presentation on a Patient Navigation model, lessons learned, and best practices implemented in New Orleans by NO/AIDS Task Force. Presentation Slides |...