by jrefuge | Mar 11, 2019
High Impact Prevention (HIP) is a public health approach to disease prevention in which has been proven to be cost-effective, and scalable. These interventions are implemented for preventing the greatest amount of infections or for reducing disparities, given...
by jrefuge | Oct 25, 2018
Presentation outlining the successful steps to developing and sustaining a successful recruitment and retention strategy.
by jrefuge | Oct 25, 2018
Presentation developed for a one-day training event to review procedures for the delivery of HIV test results, with increased attention to the delivery of HIV-positive test results and the additional protocols they require.
by jrefuge | Oct 25, 2018
March 3, 2015 In response to the increased demand on learning Patient Navigation (PN) services, CBA@JSI hosted presentation on a Patient Navigation model, lessons learned, and best practices implemented in New Orleans by NO/AIDS Task Force. Presentation Slides |...