Rodolfo Vega, PhD, is a Technical Advisor for M&E and Behavioral Sciences with CBA@JSI. He has extensive experience in program evaluation, and capacity building assistance. Dr. Vega is in his sixth year as a senior evaluator and capacity building assistance provider to those HIV/AIDS prevention service organizations that are funded by the Centers for Disease Control. Since 2008 he has been the senior evaluator and capacity building assistance provider to the Border Health Foundation, a community-based organization that provides teenage pregnancy prevention services to over 3,000 students per year in Yuma County Arizona and the adjacent Imperial Valley County in California. Between FY 2006 and FY 2008 he was a senior evaluator for the Health and Human Services, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy.
For the Human Resources Services Administration HIV AIDS Bureau (HRSA/HAB). Dr. Vega designed, implemented, and reported on a qualitative impact evaluation of 22 HRSA/HAB programs funded by MAI. In these projects Dr. Vega has been responsible for overall leadership on the evaluation, directing development and implementation of formative, process and outcome evaluation, deliver capacity building and technical assistance services. Through these experiences Dr. Vega has acquired widespread knowledge and extensive experience in developing logic models, mixed methods analysis, literature reviews and development of evaluation instruments leading development of consensus documents or recommendations.
He is a member of the board of director of the National minority AIDS Council and of Summersearch, a leadership development program that provides ongoing and long-term support to low-income high school students.