Andrea Goetschius, MA, BFA, is a Senior Visual Designer for CBA@JSI. Andrea has more than 15 years of experience in visual health communication, including expertise in graphic and web design, branding, art direction, and social marketing campaigns. She specializes in tailoring materials to meet audience needs and has experience developing campaigns on a wide range of public health topics, including HIV prevention and care.
At JSI, Andrea has designed materials and campaigns for; Community HIV/AIDS Technical Assistance and Training Center (Planning CHATT); Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning (IHAP) Technical Assistance Center; Santa Clara County, California; AIDS Education Training Centers (AETC) Evaluation Project; and Capacity Building Assistance for High-Impact HIV Prevention to Community-Based Organizations (CBA@JSI). Prior to joining JSI, she worked on international maternal health at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Ipas.
Andrea received her MA in health communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her BFA in graphic design from Alfred University.